Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The new medallion version 1 is finished!

The new medallion is finished! I've decided to name him Fiore. (I think the sound of it fits him as long as you don't look up the Italian translation, which really does not fit a big, bad stallion at all, but nevermind that.)

I'm taking pre-orders on version one (no tack) starting right now. The tacked up version should be close behind. Anyone who purchases version one will get a few days advance opportunity to get version two with the tradtional repujada tack before I release it to the rest of the world as well as a discount on the price of #2.

More pictures, pricing, and purchasing information can be found on Fiore's web page:



  1. Something looks off about his teeth...Like his bottom jaw is off somehow...

  2. I think I see the issue, thanks for pointing that out.
