Monday, January 4, 2010

Inching forward

Yesterday was a little busy, so I apologize for not posting any progress. Today may prove to be much the same. The medallion now has a stone textured background which doesn't quite contain the entire horse. The fact that his forelegs come out of the frame adds a sense of motion and drama. I'm planning to accentuate that further by taking his mane out the other side. In fact, the mane should be our next step. Look for that to appear later tonight or in the morning.


  1. Wow, he is really turning out amazing. What kind of clay are you working in that you have to bake it? Sculpey? Which one?
    I really like how you have his mouth open and teeth showing too. Are you going to cast him yourself?

  2. Thanks for the compliment! I'm using Super Sculpey brand of polymer clay. I like the fact that it won't harden until I bake it. That gives me a lot more control than the various epoxy clays out there. I'll probably do the casting myself but I'm not 100% sure about that. I'll answer that question with a little more certainty when I have the final piece completed.
