Friday, December 18, 2009


I really love Sarah Minkiewicz-Breunig's Stormwatch mold. He's so much fun to paint and lends himself so well to a colorful palette that whenever I see one in some solid color, like plain bay or black, I want to shout "WHY?!?!? How COULD you?!?!" at the artist. (Especially considering that he is quite pricey to purchase unpainted! This doesn't mean that I have anything against solid colored horses. My two favorite colors on a real horse are bay and grey. I just really don't think they're the right choice for this particular resin.) So, whenever I get my hands on a Stormy, I like to pull out all the stops and put my very best work into him. I've been slaving over the latest Stormy for a very long time, but he's finally finished and I think I did him justice. He is currently open for offers over $1000. I know a lot of people have funds tied up in presents this time of year, so I am willing to accept time payments on him. Take a look at these pics and see what you think:

More info can be found on Model Horse Sales Pages: